Because I think that it is sincere that I want to refuse at the beginning.このサイトを作成する理由はアフィカス(アフィリエイトカス)になるためである。ええ、私金がないんです。「ただ乞食でもいい、心の豊かさがあれば」なんてきれいごと言うつもりもない、だってお金のない人は心の豊かさなんて手に入れることはできないから、なぜならお金の問題が常にあらゆる人生の悩み90%に相当しそれによって人は苦しめられると感じているしそれが真実だと信じるから。
The reason for creating this site is to become Aficus (affiliate scum ). Yeah, I do not have money. "Even a beggar,we should have a good begotty, if there is a rich heart" I am not going to say it pretty like that, because people who do not have money can not afford the richness of the heart, because money problems are always in every life It is equivalent to 90% trouble and I feel that people are suffering by it, because I believe it is the truth.
だからアフィカス、金の亡者とかくだらないレッテルを張られる前に「アフィカス宣言」してるわけ、自己防衛のためにね。これに共感できる人は応援してくれるだろう、ただ共感しても疎ましいと思う人は私を攻撃するだろう、とか推測してみる。 これを言及することによってこれらに当てはってしまった人は逆のことをするか、これらの中間的行動をするんじゃないかな。なぜなら人間は抑圧された行動の逆のことをすることによって自由を感じたいから。
Ex)(Godmother)いい加減宿題やりなさい → (Children of the God)「あーもー、やろうと思ってたのに。その発言により俺の課題に対する原動力は失われた、もう元に戻ることはないだろう。」
So I'm "Aficas Declaration" before somebody get me affixed to Aficus, which is a foolish label of money-hungry for self-defense. People who can sympathize with this will support me, but I guess that those who think that they are disliked will attack me even though they sympathize. People who have applied to these this will do the opposite by mentioning that, or they will act on these intermediate behaviors between criticisms and agreements. Because humans want to feel freedom by doing the opposite of oppressed behavior.
Ex) (Godmother) Do your homework assignments → (Children of the God) "Ah-hu, I thought I was going to do, the motive for my assignment was lost due to that statement, I will never return to the motivation. "
Too Deviated Topic , but do not erase, do not care about history.
私はアフィカスになります、その対価としてその分の内容の充実を行っていきたい。そのためには努力と誠実さと自己の偏見を自重しない。I will be Aficus, I would like to make that content substantial as a consideration for that. To do that, do not self-weight your efforts, honesty and self-prejudice.
A person who reads a sentence with puberty stage recommends a browser back from the site, as people who do not have time to devote to Aficus do that , as a person who also does not want to see prejudiced sentences do that.
However, "the middle and the puberty's sentences are not affected from social personality standardization, it is very original and extraordinary", "There is no one prejudiced and unbiased none of what humans write. If it were, it had a human skin AI "," Tsundere temperament of "Even if this person is always thinking only of money and good service can be received by capital competition and you are blessing my time, do not forget" if you have such mind , you should stay here.
こんなツンデレがいい I love such a Tsundere.
このブログはTEDとマンガを主にメインに書いていこうと思っている。前者はTED: Ideas worth spreadingから後者はWeb漫画速報、GANMA!(ガンマ) - ガンマで、マンガを、ガマンしない。とかの無料マンガや幼女戦記なんかの商業マンガを取り扱っていきたい。
Do you like TED and manga? I don't care, because I love it.
I am planning to write TED and manga mainly on this blog. The former is from TED: Ideas worth spreading, the latter is web comic book break, GANMA! (Gamma) - gamma, do not wait comics. I would like to deal with free comics or commercial comic books like 「Youjo senki」
I am planning to write TED and manga mainly on this blog. The former is from TED: Ideas worth spreading, the latter is web comic book break, GANMA! (Gamma) - gamma, do not wait comics. I would like to deal with free comics or commercial comic books like 「Youjo senki」
なぜこの二つをメインにするか → 大好きで内容が深いからに決まってるでしょう。マンガ家様やある特定の専門家の知識ってのは、自分に少なからず影響を与えんのよ。例えばTEDで数学の難しそうなプレゼンを見ると数学の授業なんかでもしその話題が出たらほんの少し思考のアドバンテージできるよね、思考の予防接種のようなもんだろこれ。
Why should I make these two main? → I love it and it is decided because it is deep content. The knowledge of manga artists and certain experts has a lot of influence on myself. For example, if you look at difficult presentations in mathematics at TED, you can make a slight advantage of thinking if that topic comes out in a math lesson or next time, it is like a vaccination of thinking.
That's why I love both of these, I also like to read books But because books still take time to decipher because of the incomplete fast reading technique, I'm talking about this being easy to update everyday.
As I declared, I will observe it as promised.
As I declared, I will observe it as promised.